Filling and Caries Treatment

After detecting caries in the tooth, its treatment should be done without losing time. The treatment is done with filling. Filling is an application that aims to give the tooth its natural shape before decay by filling the gap formed with appropriate materials in order to ensure aesthetics and function following the cleaning of the caries. The position and function of the tooth are taken into account when choosing the filling material to be used.

Composite Fillings (Tooth-coloured fillings)

Composite fillings are fillings that can be used in the treatment of teeth for caries, fractures or aesthetic purposes and can imitate the colour of the tooth itself. Although they were used only in the front teeth when they were first developed, they can now be used in the back teeth as their resistance to chewing forces is increased and the amount of wear is reduced over time.
Composite fillings are not only used to restore cavities formed as a result of caries, but can also be used to change the colour and form of the tooth in cases where the patient is not satisfied with its appearance. Over time, discolouration and abrasions can be seen in composite fillings.

Porcelain Inlay-Onlay Fillings

Porcelain fillings are fillings prepared in the laboratory with good aesthetics and durability. After measuring the shaped cavity for filling, it is prepared from porcelain in the laboratory and adhered to the tooth. They require special technique and very precise work.

Amalgam Fillings

They are also known as silver fillings. amalgam; It is obtained as a result of mixing silver, tin and copper alloy with mercury and has been used in dentistry for many years.
The application phase is easy and short-term. Whether the mercury in amalgam is harmful is still debated. Since there are aesthetic fillings with amalgam durability in recent years, they are not used much today.

Appointment Request

The appointment process you have made is a pre-registration and our teams will contact the phone number you have specified and will create your actual appointment.

    Mesaj Gönder
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